FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

How do I pay my water, wastewater, and refuse fees online with a credit or debit card?

Please see the graphic below for information regarding online payments.

Online Payment Information

Who is responsible for my sewer line?

The Village is responsible for the sewer mains. The homeowner is responsible for the sewer line from the sewer main to the inside of your home. Even if your sewer line runs under a side walk or under the road way.

Who is responsible for my water line?

The Village is responsible for the water mains and the water line that runs to your house up to the curb stand which is the underground water shut off in your yard most of the time.

The homeowner is responsible for their water line from the curb stand (water shut off underground) in your yard to the inside of your home.

Who is responsible for my water meter?

Water meters are Village property except in some commercial accounts. Homeowners are responsible to keep their water meter free from any obstructions for the Village to access them, and to protect the water meter from damage. Example: water meter freezing.